March 24, 2011

30) Commodity of Art

Painting. Commodity of Art.2009
Acrylic, acrylic mediums and other on canvas.

My final piece for the course was about the commodity of art. We were supposed to create a contemporary piece representing an issue about contemporary art, using the mediums and the new techniques we learnt in the course.
I chose to create a piece that would represent what i thought of most contemporary art at the moment, how, nowadays, artists make art not just for the sake of art making and expressing ideas and emotion but more for the money they would make out of it.

This first picture was a rough draft of what my final piece was gonna look like. I decided to depict my idea by adding bills, coins, information about art commodity and money symbols into it. I always liked addict objects and texturized mediums to my pieces because they give my painting a rough looking finish.

The fact that my piece was pretty abstract already tell that it is a modern piece, but in order to make it look even more contemporary, i decided to use different sized canvases and put them all together as a single piece. The overall size was pretty big, i forgot what exactly but probably about 1.2 x 1.2 meters.

This piece has lots of small details that you can only really notice looking at it in person, but these are some parts that were zoomed in. As you can see, i added coins and pieces of paper that were half folded so the viewer could have some interaction with the piece, because i like my art not only to be looked at but also to be touched.

I brought my painting in pieces all the way to Peru, i framed it and hung it in my parent's living room. ;)

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