April 5, 2010

21) Iraq Soldier

VISA 110 was the second art course that i took in the University of British Columbia during the first semester. The course provided "foundation level instruction in basic computer skills, image manipulation and digital media."

VISA 110. Iraq Soldier. 2008


This first image is the original picture of a soldier during the Iraq War. My intentions by editing the picture was to change the message the picture was trying to convey.

In this second picture i simply desaturated the entire picture leaving only the cigarette with colors. This gives an emphasis on the role of the cigarettes during war, a symbol of death.

This third picture was the hardest and probably the most successful of all. By removing the cigarette and the dirt in his face, and by adding tears, we distort the image from being rebellious into being anti-war.

This image changes the picture into being the complete opposite of the previous one. It give a sense of malice and joy of war.


  1. Can you provide a download link to the fullsized image of the original source soldier picture?

    1. Hello Adam,
      I don't exactly have the image in my computer anymore, but if you type "iraq soldier with cigarette" on google you will find the original image and you can download it from there. Hope it helps.
