March 29, 2011

39) My stage

Sculpture. Stage. 2009
2 square meters of wood. 3 meters of string. one bamboo pole.

Our assignment was to create a place from where we see the world (our personal stage), using 2 square meters of plywood, 3 meters of any kind of string and one bamboo pole, no more and no less. We had to create it in a way that it would support our weight (because we had to stand on it during our presentation) and so that our feet would be 1 feet above the ground.

I wanted to create a stage that would be stable and strong enough to support me, but also creative. I was inspired by the ancient greek temples like the parthenon.

In order to make it my "personal" stage, i decided to draw my footprints on the surface and surround it with rope so that i would be the only one to fit on it.
I used rope to create the "columns" of my small temple, and bamboo to support the entire box (which was already extremely safe only with the pieces of wood alone).
My stage was very useful at home when i couldn't reach to high places like the top doors of my closet, or some counters in the kitchen.

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